Podcast: Kip Tindell of The Container Store
February 08, 2016

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
Kip Tindell is a very passionate Truly Human Leader.
Here’s something he said on this week’s episode of the Everybody Matters podcast that really struck a chord:
“I felt like there shouldn’t be one code of conduct that you conduct your personal life with and somehow a looser code of conduct that was acceptable in your business life. They have to be one and the same.”
Throughout this week’s podcast, you’ll hear Kip talk about things that should be very familiar to readers of this blog. That’s because there are quite a few similarities between the ways The Container Store and Barry-Wehmiller view leadership.
Kip wrote about his leadership journey in his book, Uncontainable: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives. It’s a book that should be on every leader’s shelf.
You’ll hear Kip discuss how The Container Store established their Foundation Principles, who “stakeholders” are in their company, the idea of “wave” and much more on this week’s episode.
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